Monday Nov 27, 2023
Exploring the Latest Paranormal Investigation Equipment with Lisa Morton
In this week's Ghost Report, Lisa Morton explores the latest tools in the Paranormal Investigators Toolkit. She introduces the Para4ce Polterscript and Portal, two devices designed to interpret environmental changes and spirit box inputs, respectively. Lisa also highlights trendier and affordable options such as music boxes with motion sensors and paranormal trip wires equipped with LED lights. A fun inclusion is an Etsy seller's creativity by housing REM pods in whiskey bottles. Tune in for a closer look at these pieces of equipment.
00:00 Introduction to Ghost Hunting Equipment
00:22 Exploring the Para4ce Polterscript
00:43 The Beauty of the Portal
01:16 The Creepy Charm of Music Boxes
01:39 The Practicality of Paranormal Trip Wire
02:07 The Unique REM Pods in Whiskey Bottles
02:25 Conclusion and Farewell