The Ghost Report with Lisa Morton
Lisa Morton is an award-winning author and paranormal expert behind such books as ”Ghosts: A Haunted History” and ”Calling the Spirits: A History of Seances.” And her GHOST REPORT now has its own series! Each week Lisa explores a famous haunted location, a bit of paranormal history, or a spooky ghost story in her trademark style that she’s famous for. Whether she’s talking about the latest spirits sighted aboard the Queen Mary or how mediums once conjured ectoplasm, Lisa’s Ghost Report is sure to thrill fans of things that go bump in the night.

Sunday Aug 06, 2023
GR 224 Zombies Part 1
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
We’ve all seen the zombie movies and television shows, but where did zombies come from? It turns out they first started shambling forward in 1929, thanks to a book documenting Haitian vodou called The Magic Island. Welcome to this week's all new episode of The Ghost Report with Lisa Morton.
#zombies #themagicisland #theartofthezombiemovie #vodou #ghostreport #hauntedhistory #walkingdead #whitezombie #zombiehistory

Sunday Aug 06, 2023
GR 223 - Harry Price
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Who was the greatest real ghost-hunter of the 20th century? Harry Price could certainly claim that title. Price investigated dozens of the most famous mediums of the time, but his ultimate challenge was the Borley Rectory, where he had to sift through evidence to separate fraud from the supernatural. Welcome to this week's episode of The Ghost Report with Lisa Morton.
#harryprice #borleyrectory #ghostreport #lisamorton #ghosthunter

Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Welcome to The Ghost Report with Lisa Morton
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
“Hey, everybody, it’s Lisa here with this week’s Ghost Report.”
For the last four years, Lisa Morton, award-winning author and paranormal expert behind such books as Ghosts: A Haunted History and Calling the Spirits: A History of Seances, delighted listeners with her weekly “Ghost Report” on the popular Ghost Magnet With Bridget Marquardt podcast, but now the “Ghost Report” is moving beyond to become its own series. Each week Lisa will explore a famous haunted location, a bit of paranormal history, or a spooky ghost story in her trademark style that listeners have come to love. Whether she’s talking about the latest spirits sighted aboard the Queen Mary or how mediums once conjured ectoplasm, Lisa’s Ghost Report is sure to thrill fans of things that go bump in the night.
#GhostReport #LisaMorton #Paranormal #Haunted #HauntedHistory